Naturopathy Today helps you find nature’s path to health and wellness. Hosts Dr. Michael Schwartz, ND and Steve Lankford are your guides on a journey to good health using wholistic naturopathic principles. Join them on a voyage to excellent health on all levels. New episodes every Monday. Hosts: Michael Schwartz, ND and Steve Lankford Contact: DrM@michaelshealth.com Design, Production, Editing and Voiceover: S. Phillips Music: Lauren Duski
Monday Feb 21, 2022
E:7 Poor Circulation & Clogged Arteries
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Experience better health through better understanding.
- What are the signs of clogged arteries? What are the other possibilities of each sign and symptom? Knowing the other possibilities of each symptom helps eliminate confusion of the real cause.
- How can cayenne pepper help those having a heart attack? You’ll want to keep it in the medicine cabinet and around the house after hearing these applications.
- If a person knows that they have high cholesterol and clogged arteries, what can they do to help themselves improve blood flow? Diet and exercise! Even the simplest exercises can dissolve cholesterol and improve circulation. And that’s not all! Exercise can also help prevent senility, dementia, and can eliminate the opportunity for cancer to take root. Find out how.
- What nutrients help open the arteries and dissolve cholesterol and fat? Discover two different approaches to taking everything you may want in terms of daily vitamins, minerals, and herbs.
- How does hardening of the arteries happen and how can they be restored to natural pliability?
- How are blood clots formed, and how can you prevent them with one specific vitamin and one specific herb?
- Why is cholesterol essential?
Monday Feb 14, 2022
E:6 Matters of the Heart: The Cardiovascular System
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Let's deal with your beliefs and how they affect your health, like your cardiovascular system. The mind controls the brain, and the brain operates the body. So, when something is experienced in the mind, it can affect the biochemistry of the body.
- Cardiovascular health: how to nourish, prevent, and correct hypertension.
- Stress: how it affects specific nutrients in the body, and the consequences of those compromises. Learn how to reduce stress and lower heart rate.
- Risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, such as clogged arteries.
- Causative factors stimulating cardiovascular issues.
- Medications vs nutrition in addressing health issues.
- How blood pressure is regulated by the body and how the negative feedback system works.
- How certain nutrients help to regulate blood pressure and the effect of stress on those nutrients and how they contribute to hypertension.
Monday Feb 07, 2022
E:5 The Great ”Why?”
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
How does changing your mind change your life and your reality?
What about the question "Why?" "Why" is one of the best words in our language, along with the word "understanding". When you question the "why" about anything, it can lead you to better choices in terms of your health and your approach to your lifestyle.
How do people attract what they need and how do they avoid getting their needs met? How is a personal reality created?
How do you avoid “falling off the wagon” once you make a commitment to yourself? Sometimes it’s difficult to follow through, but you can succeed.
What's the value of prayer and how can you use the mind to get what you want?
“Let go and let God.” What are the results of the choice of letting go and how does it affect the spiritual self and the physical self?
How and why do infections occur? One aspect is the protective covering of the body, the skin, which has an “acid mantle.”
How do you set yourself up for problems, whether it’s a diet, or an accident, etc.?
Remember that change comes from within.
Monday Jan 31, 2022
E:4 Early Warning Signs of Covid Infections
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
In this episode we discuss what to look for in terms of early warning signs that someone has contracted Covid.
We also reviewed the concept of the vaccination being more of an RNA blocker than a true vaccination. RNA is the blueprint (DNA) being carried into a cell for replication. Also covered were the ongoing problems that Covid patients have, such as trouble breathing and brain fog and how to treat them with certain nutrients.
Other symptoms were staying awake, as well as skin discoloration. It was brought up that sometimes there is a blue tint, which raised a little bit of a conversation about “Mr. Smurf,” the man who took too much colloidal silver, which turned his skin blue.
Another discussion centered around the value of experience and wisdom, plus the theory and reality of what works and what does not work in terms of healing.
We also reflected on why some people get sick and others do not, as well as why some have lingering ongoing symptoms and why some die from the disease.
We also addressed lifestyle, suggestions for diet, and the consequences of the American diet. Along the same lines the guides discussed how the body becomes weakened because of poor diet, and how stress also compromises the health and well-being of the body.
We talk about stress and what takes place when that occurs, especially to the adrenal glands. How to fix and nourish the adrenals is also brought to light. Stress is defined, along with examples and the immediate bio-chemical and physiological results when a person experiences it.
We talked about the methods and techniques to discover the roots of what causes you to have stress. Once understood the causes can be eliminated.
The mind is described as a bio-computer, and understanding the energies one has to deal with in terms of lifestyle changes, examining which to give up, and what is and is not beneficial were discussed.
Additionally, another conversation examined the concept of values, standards and ideals and how they affect oneself.
Monday Jan 24, 2022
E:3 All About Viruses
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
In episode 3, Michael and Steve talk about viruses, how they live and how they replicate.
Included in the discussions are:
- Why people get sick.
- How to build an immune system and the necessary fundamental nutrients, as well as a new insight from the NIH about how to hinder the replication of Covid internally.
- Enzymes and how they help protect the body.
- Resources where listeners can find the science behind some of the conversations and material covered.
- Vitamin A - the primary, and most important, nutrient for nourishing and building the immune system. It is the first line of defense.
- Signs and symptoms that indicate a person is getting sick from the flu and/or Covid. How to immediately stop either one from manifesting.
- Daily doses for vitamins A, C, D and zinc, as well as indications of how your mind tells you you’re on the path to getting sick.
Monday Jan 17, 2022
E:2 Healing Choices
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Review of various healing techniques, including:
- NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Reiki energy healing
- 3 fundamental keys to healing
- How the mind works in causing and curing diseases, and how it participates in creating your reality
- The 9 elements of healing
- The 4 fundamental principles of wholistic naturopathy
- The effects of fragrances
- How to begin a program that ensures excellent health, the choices you have, and how to reclaim balance and harmony
Monday Jan 10, 2022
E:1 Introduction to Naturopathy Today
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Welcome to Naturopathy Today. In this introductory episode, hosts Dr. Michael Schwartz, ND and Steve Lankford introduce themselves and briefly recap their educational backgrounds and experiences in the healing art of natural medicine and wholistic naturopathy.
The concept of naturopathic wellness and a look at the American lifestyle is reviewed, and the doctor’s “bible” is also discussed, including the fact that over 90% to 95% of all diseases have no known cause.
The healing modalities of Naturopathy, Allopathy and Homeopathy are explained, and keys to health and wellness on every level are presented, with the major keys being understanding and application.
Understanding the root cause of any condition or situation you're dealing with will promote a faster return to balance and harmony.